Read & Reflect

Books hold power to satisfy curiosity and clarify convictions. They can immerse us in diverse and deeply thoughtful perspectives, a welcome reprieve from relentless news cycles and perfunctory social media feeds. They create shortcuts that save time, energy, and avert trauma when we learn from others’ experiences and reflections. They make adventure accessible across geopolitical, socioeconomic, and physical mobility boundaries.

I usually post works (mostly but not only books) within these categories.

I’ve been a voracious reader since childhood. I loved nestling near a tree with a book for a journey to another place, time, or the heart of someone’s wisdom. Following my dad’s example, I’d even read straight through a volume of the World Book Encyclopedia, unearthing the treasures the gold gilding portended. I could explore the history of calculus, the culture of Cameroon, and the registry of cat breeds in a single setting, often cross pollinating disparate information to spark new ideas.

Sometimes I still devour a book nearly every day. But I'm tempering my compulsive intake with more writing these days. 

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Mandy Birch is a global executive engineer and military veteran who builds teams, leaders, & multinational organizations that unlock the potential of disruptive ideas. She enjoys accelerating emerging technologies & strategic partnerships to drive multi-generational thriving for people & communities around the world.

Mandy's interests include: #innovation #leadership #technology #partnerships #quantumcomputing #career #growth #womenintech #veterans #entrepreneurship #creativity #future #foreignpolicy #democracy #geopolitics

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