Continuing the theme of frequently asked questions, I'm often asked if I feel lonely traveling solo. In today's video I discuss the difference between the discipline of solitude and the feelings of loneliness and isolation.
As I've followed a career path of leadership in traditionally male fields (military and tech), I've certainly felt lonely. That is, feeling that I'm missing the presence of others. (Perhaps people similar to me in appearance, identity, and values?)
In light of this ongoing desire to belong, I've learned to practice the discipline of solitude. Solitude is essential for thriving. We often spend time cultivating our relationship with other people at the expense of the 3 other relationships critical to thriving--1) our relationship with ourselves, 2) our relationship with God and something bigger than ourselves, and 3) our relationship with the created environment. This trip is an opportunity for me to fortify these critical elements of thriving.
But solitude doesn't have to be a special practice reserved for an epic solo voyage. A deliberate solitude practice can help leaders, trailblazers, and people under-represented in the workforce channel feelings of loneliness and isolation toward courage and confidence to pursue higher purposes and change the world for the better.