I am fully into the wide-open spaces of the Great Plains. The terrain here is very different than the mountains, and inspiring in different ways. Enjoy the video where I answer the question, "Are you ready for the wide-open spaces of Kansas?"
Here, I'm inspired by the fruitfulness of the land. I notice the details such as variations in the color of the sorghum tassels and wheat. Wooly worms inch across the road (there seem to be equal numbers of the black/brown variety and the white variety, so I can't draw any conclusions about the what to expect for winter weather). Turtles venture onto the pavement, presumably to warm up.
Speaking of warming up, it was cold today! I used a pair of "Hot Hands" in my gloves from the start of the day, but within an hour I had to stop to put a pair in my shoes as well. The windchill remained below freezing most of the day.
It was a long day on the road! The wind and cold set me back so I didn't make my daily stop before sunset. Fortunately the roads were calm and I don't mind night riding when the traffic isn't heavy. In reality, I'm probably even easier to see at night than during the day due to my vast array of reflectors and lights.
Keep on going Mandy! So Inspirational